Tips for Adjusting to Married Life With Your Dog

Married life with your furry four-legged friend can be a challenge at first. But it doesn’t have to be! Here are some tips to help you adjust and enjoy married life with your pup:

1) Make sure that there is enough space in the house for both of you. Create separate areas for each one of you, such as a bedroom and an exercise area.

2) Give him his own bed, toys, and food dishes so he knows where everything belongs. This way he won’t eat off your plate or sleep on your pillow while you’re not looking.

3) If the dog needs lots of exercise outside the home, make sure there’s always time devoted to outdoor playtime (or hiking, jogging or walking) every day.

4) Dogs like to be included in daily activities and routines as much as possible. If you take him out for walks throughout the week (on different days), he’ll look forward to it each time!

5) Start teaching your pup basic commands, such as sit, stay, and down.

6) When he does something right, give him a treat or praise so that you can reinforce good behavior in the future.

7) Finally, make sure to set rules and boundaries. Your dog will know what’s expected of him when you’re not around if he follows your lead at home.

If the pup knows that the sofa is off limits for example, then he won’t be tempted to jump up on it every time you leave the room or sit down.

This also works with food! If he knows that the table is not a place where you eat, then he won’t be tempted to try and sit on your lap while you’re eating or beg for some of what’s on your plate either.

Remember: Take it one step at a time and give each new activity your best effort. Before you know it, married life will be second nature!

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