How to Get Your Dog To Behave During A Wedding.

Getting a dog to behave during the ceremony is challenging, but it’s possible. All you need to do is make sure that your pup doesn’t distract from the bride and groom by making noise or getting in their way. It might seem like an impossible task, but with some preparation and training beforehand, this can be easier than you think!

Keep reading for more tips on how to get your dog to behave at weddings without any trouble!

Give them treats.

A lot of dogs will respond well to treats, so if they know that getting a treat means sitting and being quiet for the rest of the ceremony, it can be very helpful.

As long as your dog is on a leash when you get there!

You’ll want to make sure that you keep them leashed at all times while you are at the wedding, so that you can easily guide them away if they start to misbehave.

Don’t give in when they bark!

If your dog starts barking during the ceremony and people notice, it might upset other guests. Sure, it’s hard not to want to tell your pup to be quiet after a while of them not listening, but in the end it’s better to just ignore them.

Make sure they’re in a comfortable place!

It might be tempting to let your dog come with you when you sit down for the ceremony, but try to avoid this if possible. You don’t want their barking or misbehavior distracting from the wedding itself and upsetting other guests. If you can find a quiet place for them to sit, they’ll be much happier and more likely to stay calm throughout the whole thing!

Leave your dog at home if possible!

If it’s not practical for your pup to come with you on that day, it might be best just leaving him or her at home.

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